Because of Sweeping Tax Changes in 2018 Make Sure You Benefit in 2017

Because of Sweeping Tax Changes in 2018 Make Sure You Benefit in 2017

BY PHIL GOLDSTEIN Managing Partner, Goldstein, Lieberman & Co. LLC Make sure you take these deductions for 2017 as the new tax law has become the biggest piece of tax reform legislation thatโ€™s been enacted since the landmark Tax Reform Act of 1986. Itโ€™s expected to have a major impact on individual taxpayers in 2018. [โ€ฆ]

Tax Reform Should Put Consumers First โ€” Not Banks

BY PATRICIA WESENBERG As tax reform picks up speed in Congress, special-interest groups are storming Capitol Hill to ensure that they get favorable tax treatment. Fortunately, some groups โ€” like credit unions โ€” are looking out for the interests of hard-working Americans in this tax reform debate. For years, big banks have been trying to [โ€ฆ]

Tax Reform Should Put Consumers First โ€” Not Banks

Tax Reform Should Put Consumers First โ€” Not Banks

BY PATRICIA WESENBERG As tax reform picks up speed in Congress, special-interest groups are storming Capitol Hill to ensure that they get favorable tax treatment. Fortunately, some groups โ€” like credit unions โ€” are looking out for the interests of hard-working Americans in this tax reform debate. For years, big banks have been trying to [โ€ฆ]