Climbing desal costs could mean further United Water rate increases, according to attorney

BY MICHAEL RICONDA  NEW CITY โ€“ Rate-payers might be in for a costly surprise if United Water New York is allowed to increase rates in anticipation of their proposed desalination project, according to an attorney retained by the Town of Ramapo and a collection of other municipal bodies who spoke to the Rockland County Legislatureโ€™s [โ€ฆ]

County Legislature explores increased arsenic levels of Monsey well

BY MICHAEL RICONDA New City โ€“ Attorney and local activist John J. Tormey III is ringing alarm bells about elevated arsenic levels in one of United Waterโ€™s Monsey wells. His concern was explored in a discussion of the County Legislature Environmental Committee on November 13. Tormey, who made a name for himself opposing FAA plans [โ€ฆ]

Waste not, want not

Waste not, want not

Awards for โ€œclean and green,โ€ with politics thrown in for good measure BY KATHY KAHN The brouhaha brewing over United Waterโ€™s desalination plant was left at the door at the Rockland Business Associationโ€™s 4th Annual Green Council Awards luncheon. RBA Green Council chair Michael Shilale and Rosemarie Monaco of Group M, presented awards to Orange [โ€ฆ]

Rockland residents voice opposition to desalination at Public Service Commission hearings

Rockland residents voice opposition to desalination at Public Service Commission hearings

BY MICHAEL RICONDA Haverstraw โ€“ Two Public Service Commission hearings on the continued need for United Water New Yorkโ€™s proposed desalination plant were held on October 1 and 2, drawing large numbers of residents with strong reservations about the plan and its environmental and financial impact. The hearing featured representatives from both the PSC and [โ€ฆ]

Newly-released study highlights flaws in United Waterโ€™s desal plan

BY MICHAEL RICONDA New City โ€“ A press conference was held at the County Legislature building in New City on September 24 to present a new study critiquing the need for a desalination plant at Haverstraw Bay and presenting potential alternatives to drawing drinking water from the Hudson. The study, conducted by adjunct associate professor [โ€ฆ]

County Legislature speaks out against United Water rate increase

BY MICHAEL RICONDA New City โ€“ The Rockland County legislature approved a motion calling on Albany to reject United Waterโ€™s planned rate increase and surcharge in the latest blowback against the utilityโ€™s plan to finance its proposed desalination plant and other plans. The resolution passed with little fanfare and no public comment from legislators, but [โ€ฆ]

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