Trial for Tartikov v. Pomona lawsuit finally begins

Trial for Tartikov v. Pomona lawsuit finally begins

BY JOEL GROSSBARTH The lawsuit that could determine the landscape (and the possible future) of the Village of Pomona is underway at the United States Courthouse in White Plains, New York. The village is being sued by a religious organization known as Rabbinical College of Tartikov. A legal fight has ongoing between the two parties [โ€ฆ]



Honorary Degree Recipients Are Leaders in Film, Business, and Ministry On Saturday, May 11 at 2 p.m., Nyack College and Alliance Theological Seminary will hold commencement exercises for nearly 700 graduates at the Westchester County Center located at 198 Central Avenue in White Plains, NY. Three honorary degrees will be awarded and the recipients will [โ€ฆ]

Whereโ€™s the Mayorโ€™s Cash?

Whereโ€™s the Mayorโ€™s Cash?

COMMENTARY BY DYLAN SKRILOFF   Mayor Noramie Jasmin may not be a member of the 1 percent, but she is a member of the 5 percent or so, and as such it is amazing that she claimed poverty at her arraignment on Tuesday, April 2 in White Plains. Mayor Jasmin, who has not stepped down [โ€ฆ]

Letter to the Editor: Lung Association Says Village of Haverstraw Should be Proud

Dear Editor, We were disappointed to learn that Big Tobacco succeeded in its attempt to force the Village of Haverstraw to rescind its ordinance prohibiting the display of tobacco products in retail stores (Smoked out: Haverstraw Village to drop anti-tobacco ordinance, online edition). The tobacco industry hoped that the resources available to a small village [โ€ฆ]