Rockland County Sheriff Louis Falco made national headlines when on January 4 he told the media his correction officers at Rockland County Jail had received taunts from inmates who now knew exactly where they lived thanks to the Journal News gun map.

Falco told the Rockland County Times that inmates do not have computer access, but they do have occasional access to telephones, and friends on the outside had been cooperating with them in getting the addresses of COs at the jail. Falco has been on national TV talking about the problems the Journal News gun map has caused for his COs and law enforcement in general.


  1. Joemaxhammer   January 12, 2013 at 8:58 pm

    Great post. I see they took down your page. BUT, I have acesss to a Journal News file that lists EVERYONE in rockland county that holds a gun permit. This list can be searced by last name, and also gives you the city and zip code of everyone on the list. THIS IS BS#T!!!! that I can EASLY get access to this file. I have tried contacting a politician for help, but have had no luck.


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