Haverstraw Village Officials Receive Recognition for Tobacco Control Efforts


Maureen Kenney presents award to Mayor Michael Kohut of Haverstraw

During the Rockland County Full Legislature Session on Tuesday January 15, the Legacy Community Activist Award was presented to Haverstraw Mayor Michael Kohut and community activist Marion Breland-Oswald. The award was presented by Maureen Kenney, the director of POWโ€™R Against Tobacco.

โ€œRockland County is known as a trailblazer in tobacco control not only in our region but throughout the country. Wherever I go, people are talking about Rockland County and its success,โ€ said Kenney.

โ€œWeโ€™re really proud of the fact that Rockland County has set the pace in New York State as being on the cutting edge of smoking cessation activities. In 2007, we were the first county in the nation to ban smoking in cars with children. In 2011, we became the first county in the nation to pass legislation that required owner that required owners of multiple unit dwellings to disclose their smoking policies to their tenants. And most recently in 2012, the Village of Haverstraw passed the nations first ban on tobacco displays,โ€ said Legislator Alden Wolfe.

Wolfe failed to mention that the village was promptly walloped with a lawsuit backed by some of the biggest companies in the tobacco industry and, lacking financial backing from the anti-tobacco movement, retreated from the battle, reneging on their ordinance. Even so, the idea sparked others to get interested in similar ordinances across the nation in different communities.

Maureen Kenney presents award to Marion Breland-Oswald.

โ€œWe need to get this tobacco marketing out of our kidโ€™s faces when they go into stores,โ€ said Kenney. โ€œThe 2012 report, Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth and Young Adults: A Report on the Surgeon General, concluded that tobacco marketing causes youth tobacco use. The tobacco industry spends one million dollars a day to market tobacco products in New York State, according to The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids. Much of this marketing is done at the checkout counters in convenience stores, a highly visible location.โ€

The Legacy Foundation has a mission for โ€œlonger and healthier lives,โ€ Kenney said. They have programs committed to combat smoking, such as โ€œTruth,โ€ EX, research initiatives and outreach. The awards accepted by the village on Tuesday were given out on behalf of the Legacy Foundation, Senator David Carlucci, and other groups.

โ€œDespite our village attorneyโ€™s advice not to do this, we did this on behalf of the kids in the Village of Haverstraw. Sometimes itโ€™s the effort, even if the results sort of change things. Weโ€™re just happy that we can do what we can to keep tobacco out of kids hand in our village,โ€ said Mayor Kohut.

Haverstraw Mayor and his staff accepts award from the Legacy Foundation.

โ€œI got to give a shout out to my board because they are always on the side of doing what is right. They put their money where their mouth is with prevention for youth. They really do so much more than you ever dream,โ€ said Breland-Oswald.

The County of Rockland and the Village of Haverstraw are putting great efforts in the anti-smoking campaigns. Legislator and Town Attorney Jay Hood put it best when he said, โ€œEven if we keep one child from starting smoking it is all worth it.โ€

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