WARWICK—The new movie “True Story,” which is being produced by Brad Pitt’s Plan B production company, is currently filming around Cascade Rd and Brady Rd in Warwick, NY. They are also working around Warwick County Park.
The movie is based on a memoir by Michael Finkel, the former New York Times Magazine writer who learned Christian Longo, one of the FBI’s Wanted, had been living under his identity for years. The day after Longo was captured, Finkel was fired for falsifying a story but, just when it seemed his career was over, Longo decided he would only do interviews with Finkel, which gave him a chance to redeem himself.
Pitt’s movie, which stars Jonah Hill and James Franco, will be filming scenes at Sparky’s Diner in Garnerville as soon as late March. A letter to the Town of Warwick from the film’s production manage states that “True Story” will be filming in the Orange County town through March 18.
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