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Rockland Community College (RCC) has been named the recipient of the “Muslim Journeys Bookshelf Award,” receiving books, films and access to online resources about Islamic beliefs and culture. The news was momentous enough to earn a front-page, full-page announcement in the college’s winter newsletter SCENE.
RCC received 25 books, three films and a subscription to Oxford Islamic Studies Online. The Muslim award was created and funded by the federal National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Library Association. Sarah Levy, RCC’s interim library director, said, “The Bookshelf Award is intended as a springboard for dialogue between varying religions and cultures. Our work has just begun as we create programs to promote community discussion and build bridges between diverse cultures and faiths.”
Azeem Farooki, board member and trustee of the Islamic Center of Rockland in Valley Cottage, said, “In these turbulent times, we need resources to build lasting religious, political, economic and social systems. RCC is the right venue to promote interfaith activities in our culturally and religiously diverse country.”
RCC Communications Director Tzipora Reitman noted the grant was consistent with the college’s dedication to pluralism and diversity.
Dialogue? The Amaadiyya Muslims in Pakistan are jailed and executed for their beliefs. In Saudi Arabia, Wahabbism is enforced by the Matawa, religious police to the degree of beating, jailing and killing anyone, whom they choose.
In Gaza and the West Bank, radicals raid house parties where Western music is heard playing and kill the people attending.
In Syria, the AL NUSFRA front, whom the Obama Regime have beknighted the noble title of Rebels, when the Arabic word AL NUSFRA means, “fighters who come from far away”. That does not qualify them as “rebels”, since they are Libyans, Somalis, Checnyans, and Jihadist released from Saudi prisons, are permitted to rape Syrian boys and girls, as war prizes.
These devout Muslims do not understand Islam nor engage in dialogue but consider each from the other as the deviant.
Conflict Management courses provide a survey to understand the root of religious wars in order to negotiate between the parties, not to promote conversion or sugar coated versions as the one cited here at RCC.
Azeem Farooki, board member and trustee of the Islamic Center of Rockland in Valley Cottage, said, “In these turbulent times, we need resources to build lasting religious, political, economic and social systems. RCC is the right venue to promote interfaith activities in our culturally and religiously diverse country.” Note: Islam does not permit “interfaith activities”. A Muslim cannot worship at any form of Interfaith activities.