Blood drive in memory of former county employees 

NEW CITY, NY – The County of Rockland announces that it will hold a blood drive on Wednesday, March 27, 2013 at the Dr. Robert L. Yeager Health Center, Building A, Exhibition Hall in Pomona beginning at 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.

The blood drive will be in memory of former county employees Barbara and Yvonne Calise who lost their lives in a tragic fire in February.  Yvonne worked in the Department of Social Services and was a dedicated blood donor.

Her mother Barbara was employed as a nurse at the Summit Park Hospital. Barbara was the mother of the county’s assistant director of MIS, Frank Calise, and Yvonne was his sister.

Donors will have a chance to win tickets to a Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox game at Yankee Stadium.  Breakfast and lunch will be available to those who donate. To make an appointment, please contact Mary Russo at 845-364-2017 or by e-mail at

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