Pearl River resident Megan Quail is leading a team with a goal to raise $100,000 during a 10-week campaign for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, which officially kicked off Wednesday, March 27. Megan Quail and her campaign team, “Leukin’ for a Cure” are raising the money in honor of Pearl River’s own Francesco Galvano and in memory of Joe Pennisi. Francesco is an incredible 13 year old who was diagnosed with leukemia in 2011 and continues to smile and laugh his way through treatment. Joe is a remarkable friend of Megan’s and an inspiration to all who knew him who lost his battle to cancer on January 23, 2008.

A lot of fun events are planned in Pearl River and beyond, including the 2nd annual Fight Cancer Bash on Saturday, April 6 at the OBT Pub (formerly Orangeburg Tavern) on Route 303 in Orangeburg. (Tickets are on sale now – https://en.ticketbud.com/fight-cancer-bash). Contact Kristie Deptula kadeptula@gmail.com or 914-450-6846 for more information. Look up the team @ https://www.facebook.com/Leukin4cure.

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