Police say she bit her 4-year-old daughter

aullSamantha Aull, 25-years-old, of 10 Major Andre Dr. in Stony Point, has been charged with assault in the third degree and endangering the welfare of a child. The Stony Point Police Department stated that on June 18 the defendant was arrested after an investigation into a domestic dispute at her home address. Police investigation led to charges that the defendant intentionally caused physical injury to her 4-year-old daughter by biting her on the hand. The victim required treatment at the hospital. The defendant was arrested, processed and remanded to the Rockland County Correctional Facility in lieu of $500 bail. A full stay-away Order of Protection has been issued at the request of Child Protective Services.

One Response to "Police say she bit her 4-year-old daughter"

  1. nyrangers230   June 20, 2013 at 1:01 am

    As a father of a two year old daughter, I couldn’t even imagine inflicting damage on my child. It takes a sick individual to bite their own child. I don’t care what your 4 year old did.Even if she was being troublesome, crying, whining or even smacking her mother. Don’t you dare hurt your child like that. This woman deserves her custody taken away and needs to do some time in prison. This child should be either with a loving relative or caring parents who would adopt her. As a parent, reading about this makes me sick. Some people in society need a wake up call.


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