Despite America’s Moral Decline, There Are ‘Reasons for the Hope’

Southern Evangelical Seminary: 20th Annual Conference Kicks Off in October with Lineup of Speakers Who Encourage and Equip Christians to Stand Up for Their Faith, Even in Challenging Times

Charlotte, N.C.— Daily headlines announce America’s dramatic moral decline: constant scandal among our country’s leadership, court decisions that go against the biblical foundations on which this country was built, erosion of marriage and family.

The 20th annual National Conference on Christian Apologetics, “Reasons for the Hope,” presented by Southern Evangelical Seminary, (SES, and Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, is the longest-running apologetics conference in the country. Led this year by Southern Evangelical’s Seminary’s new president Dr. Richard Land, taking the helm on July 1, 2013, the conference aims to teach Christians how to defend their faith in an evermore faithless world.

Set for October 11-12 at First Baptist Church Indian Trail near Charlotte, N.C., the conference will feature a lineup of well-known speakers in the apologetics field, including Land, who will address the entire conference to kick off the two-day event.  In addition, Dr. Land’s inauguration will be held Thursday, October 10, immediately preceding the official conference opening. For more information on Dr. Land’s biography and experience, visit, or

There are dozens of speakers, and this week Southern Evangelical Seminary features these experts:

  • William Dembski is a mathematician and philosopher who is the senior fellow with the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture. He has authored or edited 20 books, lectures widely on intelligent design, and has appeared on numerous radio and television programs. For more information visit,
  • Dr. Norman Geisler, co-founder of Southern Evangelical Seminary, is a prolific author, veteran professor, speaker, lecturer, traveler, philosopher, apologist, evangelist, and theologian. He has written 80 books and hundreds of articles and has taught theology, philosophy and apologetics on the college or graduate level for more than 50 years. His topics include, “Is Jesus the Only Way: The Challenge of Pluralism to Evangelicalism” and “Theistic Evolution: Its Scientific and Biblical Challenge to Evangelical Christianity.” For more information, visit,
  • Os Guinness is an author and social critic and the great-great-grandson of Dubin brewer Arthur Guinness. While his parents were missionaries, he witnessed the climax of the Chinese revolution in 1949. He has written or edited more than 25 books and was a freelance reporter with the BBC. He will speak on “The Journey: A Thinking Person’s Quest for Meaning,” “Fool’s Talk: The Art of Truth and the Recovery of Persuasion” and “The Global Public Square: Religious Freedom and the Making of a World Safe for Diversity.” Visit or
  • Gary Habermas is the Distinguished Research Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Theology at Liberty University. He has published 36 books (18 on the subject of Jesus’ resurrection), more than 60 chapters or articles in other books, plus more than 100 articles. Over the past decade, he has taught dozens of courses as a visiting or adjunct professor at 15 different graduate schools and seminaries around the world. For more information, visit,
  • Josh McDowell has spoken to more than 10 million students at live events since beginning ministry in 1961. He has given over 24,000 talks in 118 countries. He is the author or co-author of 120 books, selling over 49 million copies worldwide, including “More Than a Carpenter,” which has been translated into over 85 languages. For more information, visit,

Southern Evangelical Seminary is a leader in apologetics education—teaching students to defend their faith and talk intelligently, passionately and rationally about what they believe and why they believe it. Many courses focus on considering societal issues from a Christian worldview, delve into scientific apologetics and contemplate creation research.

Since 1993, Southern Evangelical Seminary has hosted the National Conference on Christian Apologetics, making it the nation’s longest running apologetics conference.

Registration is now open at or by calling (800) 77-TRUTH x 201. Early bird rates are available throughAugust 1.

Through its Institute of Scientific Apologetics, SES is accredited to offer a Certificate of Scientific Apologetics. The certificate program is designed for those interested in increasing their knowledge and effectiveness in defending the faith scientifically. The certification prepares pastors, teachers, missionaries, and lay persons for apologetic and evangelistic ministry and outreach around the world.

The Institute of Islamic Studies is a division of Southern Evangelical Seminary that offers the Certificate in Islamic Studies designed for those interested in increasing their knowledge and effectiveness in reaching Muslims. The certificate prepares pastors, teachers, missionaries, and lay persons for apologetic and evangelistic ministry and outreach to Muslims around the world.

Notable professors have joined the SES ranks in recent years, pointing to the fact that Southern Evangelical Seminary is focused on recruiting talent and building courses of study to remain at the top of the apologetic educational institutions in the U.S.

Southern Evangelical Seminary has been ranked No. 1 for its General Christian Apologetics Graduate Program by’s “Top 10 Graduate Programs in Christian Apologetics.” For more information, visit or call (800) 77-TRUTH.


For more information on SES or to set up an interview, contact Deborah Hamilton at dhamilton@hamiltonstrategies.com215-815-7716 or 610-584-1096.

Southern Evangelical Seminary is an accredited Christian college and seminary in Matthews, N.C., offering a wide variety of degrees including bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees. Programs can be completed through residence in the Charlotte, N.C., area or online. The award-winning education at SES is distinctively Christian, focused on evangelism and world-engaging defense of the Christian faith—Christian Apologetics.

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