Dennys Gardening Corner


Hello Rockland County! Denny here and boy, fall is getting a jump on us already! The next couple of weeks are going to be busy with your home and getting ready for crisp cool weather. So one of the subjects in line is tree pruning.

Like a yearly check up, your trees and shrubs need to be trimmed for good health and overall appearance. When neglected, trees can get overgrown, misshapen and quite often unsuspected disease or infestation can take place. This is a small investment to make, considering that your trees and shrubs will bring out the very best in your home’s appearance. When you prune or trim you are maintaining your trees health, beauty and it’s usefulness. All aspects of your tree should be considered which includes the lower and middle scaffold (major intersections of branches) and the canopy. By selective pruning away you can encourage new growth, create light for grass and shrubs beneath and reduce weight on branches.

When is the best time to prune? If your tree is diseased, or has dead or weak branches, you may cut them any time without stress or effect. Pruning is best in the late summer or fall . Do not do it springtime after it has leafed and flowered, all of it’s energy has been spent and if pruned thereafter it may stress the tree out and may cause permanent damage.

If you are not sure where to cut and how much, call a trained professional landscaper. They will recommend and quote you with what needs to be done.

See you next time around the potting bench and if you have any comments, by all means drop a line here at the Rockland County Times c/o Denny Wiggers or or visit

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