Legislation would end anonymous negative mailings
Legislative Press Release from Ass. Ken Zebrowski (D)
Assemblyman Ken Zebrowski (D-New City) announced that he will be introducing legislation that will require disclosure on all political communications. All print, internet, television or radio advertisements and communications that advocate for or against a particular candidate or issue must have a statement of disclosure of “paid for by” and the name of the source.
New York is one of a handful of states that lack a campaign advertisement disclosure law. The proposed legislation would establish fines and penalties if a political communication has been distributed without a disclaimer.
“Candidates and political committees should not be allowed to hide behind negative and faceless ads. We have seen a rash of attack ads in local Rockland elections that are shielded from criticism through anonymity.”
The legislation is designed to incorporate all types of political communication that advocate for or against a candidate, election, ballot measure or issue. Candidates and political committees that make any expenditure for a political communication must be named on the advertisement in an appropriate and legible manner.
“Campaign communications should be positive messages informing voters of the facts and those responsible for the mailings should stand behind that message. Voters deserve an open and transparent campaign process that lets them know where all parties stand.”
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