“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” –Babe Ruth
“Success is dependent upon the glands – sweat glands.” -Zig Ziglar
“Your ability to discipline yourself to set clear goals, and then to work toward them every day, will do more to guarantee your success than any other single factor.” -Brian Tracy
Lately, I’ve been noticing a TON of success around me – from my friends to my family, and several successes of my own sprinkled throughout… I am just in awe of it all! I know that success is a result of honest, hard work and there are many examples of this flying around my life right now
Please allow me to break it down…
A couple weeks ago, my fiancée helped lead his father to a BIG TIME victory within the political arena in our area. For the better part of our relationship, my fiancée had been working as the campaign manager for his father and I personally witnessed the long hours, countless meetings, many weekly phone conferences, dozens of email correspondence, and the list could go on and on and on (seriously!)… I have never before seen someone who commutes to and from Manhattan every day for his full-time job, then comes home to take care of his family and then heads out to a meeting or hops on a phone call related to the campaign (which would usually last 2 hours!) AND ran it all on a volunteer basis – say whaaaat?!! You could say that the big win was such sweet satisfaction for the family and I couldn’t be prouder of my husband-to-be! I am truly inspired by his passion, perseverance and constant high quality of work. I am not the only person who admires this man. In fact, there are many people out there that I have seen & heard handing out compliments and praise for his hard work and dedication to the campaign. Voter results were directly linked to the effort put forth by the entire camp and everyone involved truly worked together toward a common goal. The success experienced is a reflection & prime example of how hard work + determination = success. Post campaign, my fiancée went ahead and started his own (drum roll please…) political blog! I am a HUGE supporter of this idea and encourage him to write about what he loves, and let’s face it, I’m doing the same thing
There’s nothing better than discussing a topic that brings you sheer and utter bliss – well done, my love! Consider me one proud & overly excited little nugget!
A couple of my friends also found success over the past few weeks through hard work and determination – one just ran the NYC Marathon in early November (and I thought running 13.1 miles for my half marathon was tough!) and another was honored at a ceremony for making the Dean’s List this semester – woo hood! These two near & dear friends put in their time and never let up. Get this – the runner started training while we were all on vacation together in Cape Cod! She would wake up early to finish her many miles of running before any of us had gotten up for breakfast – major kudos girl! That was back in July and her training, hard work and ‘never give up’ attitude pushed her through to the finish line at the marathon this month. Let’s not forget that she too has a full-time job AND is currently in grad school getting her master’s – BANANAS! Here she is mid-run & so cute too!
My friend who received recognition for his accomplishment of Dean’s List this semester is also a wonderful example of how hard work and determination will lead you to that sweet smell of success! This guy has a full-time job, working 60+ hours every week (regularly volunteers to take on overtime hours as well!) AND is in school full-time to top it off! He not only manages to be present at every single class, but he is excelling and going above & beyond what is necessary to pass the class. I am seriously amazed at how much he has taken on and how well he is managing it all. I imagine it must be tough, but all of that hard work is seriously paying off in a major way! I’m excited for him to graduate after one more semester – you got this!
Success for me, has come in several forms the past few weeks – so here goes:
• Supporting my fiancée & family throughout the campaign process and enjoying the big win on election night with them
• The LOFT Grand Opening Event at The Shops at Nanuet
• Love the ‘sneak peak’ pictures from our engagement photo session
• High marks on my exams at school
• Ordering the table centerpieces for our wedding (if you knew how much I worked to find the perfect piece, you’d consider it a real success too!)
• Having clients at school request & re-book with me because they were extremely satisfied with my services
• Positively contributing my love for makeup & ability to create eyebrows on one of the sweetest clients who is currently undergoing chemotherapy – She LOVED how they looked and I really felt like I made a difference in her day!
Be the BEST and reach for SUCCESS (knowing that hard work and determination are prerequisites!!)
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