Stony Pointer Ricky Romano stars in a new Off-Broadway musical “Towards The Moon,” a story of hope for dreams to come true for Bobby, the lead, who wants to leave the upstate mythical town of Greenrock and become a writer. Bobby’s buddy Sam, played by Romano, also wants something better for himself and that turns out to be Bobby’s ex-girlfriend, who he gets together with.
Bobby, played very strongly by Liam Nelligan of Harlem, has a tough, rough time convincing anyone he has talent. He is turned down for jobs by employment agencies. His girlfriend, Mags, portrayed by Lindsay Avellino, leaves him. His mum, Lindsay Wund, just wants him back home in Greenrock. When he does find some success, it causes new problems! Bobby describes his situation powerfully in the music written by author Andrew McGregor of Scotland.
Liam, an actor, writer, musician and technician is the focus of “Towards The Moon,” described by Infinity Repertory Theatre Company, based in Mt. Kisco, as “a tale of angst-filled creativity and lost and found friendships that tracks the dilemna and struggles of anyone who has ever dreamed.” The music and choreography of this production staged at the 59 East 59th Street theatre is solid and the assembled cast that includes Romano is very talented in carrying this musical tale to its conclusion.
Romano shows great stage presence and sings with a strong voice and is at home in this venue, just off Broadway. This is his second apperance on stage with Infinity, having appeared as Jesus in “Godspell.” Elizabeth Price Davies scores as Bobby’s publisher, with great animation and comedic presence.
Music director Steve Loftus is on top of all the music, which includes the soulful “There are No Stars in New York City.” Stage manager Micky Mellillo keeps everything in its place with the many scene changes. A very good band composed of Steve Loftus on keyboards, Paul Andrew Perez on guitar and Steve Finkelstein on percussion performs stage left and is really good.
Directed by Paul Andrew Perez “Towards The Moon” is impressive and I rate it Three Stars Out Of Four!!!
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