Stony Point Hires a New Police Officer, Makes Appointments to the Zoning, Planning and Architectural Review Boards

At the January 14 Stony Point Town Board meeting, the board hired Robert Bertrand as a new police officer, the first of at least two and possibly three new hires. Bertrand is the son of a current town officer. Two officers who had been on disability were retired from the force in 2013, and the board has promised to fill at least those two positions. Chief Brian Moore has been pushing for a third and even a fourth new hire.

The board appointed Joe Angenoli to the Zoning Board for the first time and reappointed the townโ€™s Conservative Party Chairman Ed Keegan to the Zoning Board, despite many in Stony Pointโ€™s political community wanting him out.

Eric Jaslow was appointed to the Planning Board and Johanna Neumann was appointed to the Architectural Review Board.

The town also announced it had settled a tax refund with Gator Enterprises for approximately $22,000. West Point Tours retained its position as the vendor for senior trips.

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