Today, Sen. Lee Zeldin (R-C-I, Shirley) announced the introduction of legislation, S.6604, that would suspend the mandatory implementation of Common Core-related curricula and testing for a period of three years, and would authorize the formation of a Blue Ribbon Commission on 21st Century Testing and Curricula to make recommendations concerning educational curricula and assessment. Rev. Jason J. McGuire, Executive Director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, made the following comments:
“Senator Zeldin’s proposal does two critical things. First, it creates a commission that will allow for meaningful citizen input into the Common Core Standards and their implementation. Second, it removes the one-size-fits-all requirement that every school and school district implement the Common Core Standards whether they like them or not. Hitting the ‘pause’ button on the flawed implementation of the Common Core Standards and seeking real public input on them makes sense for New York’s students.
“New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms appreciates the efforts made by Senator Lee M. Zeldin (R-C-I, Shirley), Senator Greg Ball (R-C-I, Patterson), Assemblyman Al Graf (R-C-I, Holbrook), Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) and many other Members of the State Legislature to respond to constituent concerns about Common Core. NYCF believes that Senator Zeldin’s legislation deserves serious consideration and swift passage. Moving forward, the State of New York should set education policies that allow for public input, uphold parental rights, promote local autonomy regarding matters of curriculum and instruction, and protect student privacy and confidentiality. To date, Sen. Zeldin’s bill is the bill that best accomplishes these goals.”
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