About 80 people attended the consecration last Saturday of the new fellowship addition and restructured Thiells United Methodist Church Thrift Shoppe and heard District Superintendent Reverend Wayne Plumstead say that if Sandy had not truck a tree that crashed into the roof of the Thrift Shoppe the new building might not have been here.
Thiells UMC Pastor Reverend Bernie Khaw said that the building embodies the obligation of each generation to impart its treasures of faith and fellowship to the generation following and he urged all attending to bring praise for God’s aid in the undertaking. The new wing, paid for with insurance money and membership donations, includes bathroom facilities and a kitchen room and is on the same level as the main church and has a new access ramp.
The restructured Thrift Shoppe will celebrate its reopening Saturday, March 22 from 2 to 4 p.m. Thiells United Methodist Church is on Rosman Road in Thiells. For information on the Thrift Shoppe call 845-942-1481.
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