Fun time had by most, but nine arrests made

PEARL RIVER – Orangetown police say Sunday’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Pearl River went off with few significant problems, and traffic after the parade cleared smoothly.
Tens of thousands gathered to share in a mood of revelry and Irish pride. The parade stayed true to its tradition as the biggest party in Rockland County.
While there were no major incidents, police said there were nine arrests in connection with the parade. Here’s the tally from the parade:
– Three people were charged with unlawful possession of marijuana, a violation.
– Three people were charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, a misdemeanor.
– Three people were arrested on disorderly conduct and resisting arrest charges.
– Fifteen summonses were issued for violation of town ordinances, including drinking in public, urinating in public, hawking and peddling without a permit, littering and disorderly conduct.
– Sixty-five parking tickets related to the parade were issued.
Before the parade, Orangetown issued warnings that it would be enforcing town ordinances and parking restrictions.
Det. Sgt. James Sullivan said town police were assisted in crowd control by the Mounted Unit of the Rockland County Sheriff’s Department. Sullivan said the officers on horseback especially helped maintain order along Middletown Road in Pearl River, where crowds at one of the large shopping centers along the road have been an issue in the past.
Story republished with permission

The clan includes O’Briens, O’Connors, Fenlons, Stapletons, Currans and, of course, McGraths

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