Legislator Wieder Presents Majority Address


New City (April 4, 2014) – Rockland County Legislator and Majority Leader Aron B. Wieder (Spring Valley – District 13) presented the annual Majority Address to the full legislature on Tuesday evening, April 1. His address touched on many issues facing the county, including financial and social challenges.

Legislator Wieder praised his legislative colleagues for their work on addressing the deficit, and working to ensure the passage of the Deficit Reduction Act to resolve the county’s financial crisis.

“It was this body that moved for a deficit reduction bond act. It is this body that has enacted legislation to form an LDC to sell the nursing home and the hospital. And more recently this body held hearings at the Budget and Finance Committee to ask for a plan from the Executive branch that would outline how the deficit will be reduced and ultimately eliminated entirely,” Legislator Wieder said during his address.

Legislator Wieder also touched on the importance of beginning work on the 2015 budget in order to craft the best budget possible for taxpayers. He is also working with other legislators on revising the Rockland County Charter to improve the structure of county government.

“Going forward there are many issues confronting the people in Rockland County and its elected officials. This legislative body has a huge responsibility and a Herculean effort to do right for hard working men and women, seniors, retired veterans and for the less fortunate of society,” Wieder concluded in his address.


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