Style with London: On Trend, Spring fashions for 2014

Fashion House of London

Spring is here and the collections for 2014 are hot off the runways. Fashion is in full bloom and everyone is dying for the latest trends to make their own personal splash heading into the spring and summer seasons. Bold wearable typography and slogans statements are still on trend and abstract lettering simply continue to call for attention. Ladylike lace and “I don’t mean your grandmothers version,” but a renewed sexy, sensual style is what you need to consider.

And for the bold and fearless sheer layering is bigger and better than ever. So as we head into much awaited warmer weather this spring season, let’s not forget to think colors. Let it be pastels, bold yellows, blues and greens; have some fun and make your outfit pop. Staying on trend in the world of fashion has been my strong point for many years now.

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Marico Madeira/WENN; SIPA/WENN; SIPA WENN; Marcio Madeira/WENN

However when I first emerged onto the fashion scene back in 1992 things were much different. Photographers actually had to have their images developed and there was absolutely no social media to promote company brands or personal agendas. In today’s world, everyone with a cell phone camera and a little fashion sense are quick to claim they are a photographer, stylist or blogger.  Staying on trend is critical, everyone wants to be in the spotlight these days and being trendy means being relevant.

At Fashion House of London we pride ourselves on leveling the playing field for our youth. We strive to create an environment where creative expression through participation of fashion show productions can speak boldly about ones sense of self and personal style. Helping our members to gain confidence, positive self-esteem, etiquette, and better communication skills on and off the runway is what we strive for every day.

UntitledAt Fashion House we believe the trend is you. So as we begin our journey together into this amazing world of fashion, I will touch on many topics that will take center stage. Topic will include fashion trends, models, designers, runway shows, events, photo shoots, style, restaurants and amazing foods. Keep tuned, stay fashionable and always remember to love the skin you’re in.

Fashion House of London logo
Fashion House of London logo

For those that would like fashion advice or have an interest in modeling please contact Vershawn London CEO/Founder Fashion House of London at or call 845.641.3229.


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