To to the Editor,

On February 13, 2014 at about 9:30 p.m. our business West Rock Tennis and Multisport Complex was demolished by a roof collapse. Over 40,000 square feet of our roof collapsed during a severe winter storm which produced snow, rain and sleet to the whole northeast. Thankfully, we closed the business in the afternoon and no one was in the building at the time of the collapse. Normally we would have over 50 children playing indoor soccer or baseball at the time the building collapsed.

On the night of the building collapse the Nanuet Fire Department, Clarkstown Police, Clarkstown Building Department, Nanuet EMS, Orange and Rockland, and United Water were on site within minutes working to assure the safety and contain the surrounding area. It was a scary site arriving from home that evening and seeing hundreds of emergency personnel (many of them volunteers) feverishly at work. It was quite obvious that each and every one knew what they were responsible for and were working diligently in the pouring rain to accomplish their task. Within an hour they were certain no one was hurt and that the small fire that resulted was extinguished. Throughout the night we were constantly being updated by the Fire Marshall, Police and Building department of what was happening and what we had to do. County Exec Ed Day spoke to us that night and assured us that his office would help in any way possible.

In the weeks that followed the Clarkstown Building Department, especially Charlie Manerie, County Executive Ed Day, and Orange & Rockland, were instrumental in enabling us to reopen our tennis facility on March 27th. Without their help we would have still been unable to open our doors. We still have a lot of work ahead of us to rebuild our multisport and entertainment complex but we have the support of our community. They have been extremely understanding and patient. Our elected Officials have not only been supportive but have been actively assisting us in every way to expedite this long process.

We are so thankful to the community we live and work in and to all the volunteers that have been helping us along on our road to recovery. We look forward to a โ€œNew Beginningโ€ late this summer when we will reopen our entire facility. Watch us rebuild on our website westrockindoor.com and thank you to everyone!


West Rock Indoor Tennis and Multisport Complex

Jim Miller, Uri Sasson, Jeff Koenig, Arnie Garelick and Mitch Klein

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