Unsung Heroes: Students Help a Tiny Village Fulfill Big Goals


Costa Trip 1Their February trip to the Republic of Costa Rica was a life-changing adventure for 10 Clarkstown North High School International Baccalaureate students.

Ceramics teacher Shaina Dunn has overseen the IB programsโ€™ creativity, action and service component for the past eight years. Students receive a separate diploma and take all IB courses during their junior and senior years, completing approximately 150 hours of CAS activities.

In 2013 she took students to Nicaragua through World Challenge โ€œbecause it fits perfectly into the IB program, but the trips are open to anyone to join,โ€ she said. This year students โ€” two from the IB program โ€” traveled with Dunn, her brother Garlan Dunn (a chaperone) and a World Challenge group leader.

Company representatives confirmed certain conditions prior to departure, provided in-country contacts, and checked itineraries. Armed with the guide contacts, general directions and area logistics, students had to stay within a certain geographic range.

ClarkstownNorthAqueduct“This life-changing adventure has allowed me to look at the world through different eyes,โ€ Juliana Lindell, grade 11, said. โ€œThe people I met, things I encountered, and friendships I have created are completely life changing.โ€

Students prepared for their adventure by fundraising, training with equipment and doing team-building exercises.

โ€œThey were given close to $5,000 the first day and had to split this up and use it for all transportation, lodging, food, and supplies needed for our service project,โ€ Dunn said. Two students charge of the budget, and each was leader for a day.

Savvy financial management allowed them to dine out for every meal the last two days, Dunn said. โ€œWe stayed in a hostel the first night, and the other days we did a lot of cooking and camping.โ€

A few students were fluent in Portuguese could easily speak Spanish. โ€œPart of the challenge was communicating,โ€ she said.

ClarkstownNorth_GroupPhotoโ€œWe did a service project in Tinamรบ and at a school that had four students,โ€ she said. The small community of 15 families needed an aqueduct to provide drinking water and for irrigating the local football field, where the community gathers and kids can play.

โ€œWe split up with some students digging a trench for an aqueduct they were building, some painted murals on the outside of the school โ€” and brought their art into it โ€” and some taught English.

Jen Silva signed up for the trip to challenge herself financially.

โ€œIt was hard work to manage the monthly payments while managing schoolwork yet, looking back, the challenges I faced with the payments were trivial compared to the challenges we faced in Costa Rica,โ€ Silva, grade 12, said. โ€œThe smiles in the children’s eyes and the thanks from the local people made the trip worthwhile to me.โ€

The two days and three nights there were part of an experience โ€œthat pushed the kids out of their comfort zones,โ€ Dunn said. โ€œEveryone came back and said it was an incredible trip (and learned) real-life skills, how to travel around developing countries.โ€

Students donated the remaining balance ($60) toward next Februaryโ€™s trip to Ecuador.

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