NYACK- Amanda Adkins Anderson, of reality television show “Prospectors,” visited Nyack’s Crystals on the Rocks stone store to hand deliver some precious rocks that she and her team mined while in the Midwest on April 14.

Anderson and her team work together to recoup the precious stones near and around the Colorado area. The Weather Channel initially picked up the reality TV show based on Anderson’s work but in the years since the show has aired on Discovery Channel and National Geographic. In an exclusive interview with the Rockland County Times Anderson shared that show is entering its fourth season and said, ” I couldn’t be more pleased with the overwhelming support and response we are getting to the show.”
Anderson, a former model, has over 20 years experience in mining and prospecting. She said that at the tender age of 12, she “realized [she] could make a living at prospecting and mining precious stones.”
Anderson has been hand delivering large sized gems and stones to Crystals on the Rocks for the past few years. Shop owner Kim Leary said, “I consider Amanda to be a personal friend and I always look forward to her visits.”
When asked about visiting Nyack, Anderson stated, “Nyack is a very unique place. I always feel good when I get here. Looking out on the [Hudson River] always gives me a good feeling and I feel a connection here.”
The stones that Anderson and her mining team brought to Nyack can be seen at Crystal on the Rocks, 11 North Broadway, Nyack.
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