Multi-vehicle crash in Ramapo kills two, backs up Thruway for miles
A truck cut across two lanes of traffic on the State Thruway inย Ramapo on Friday, killing both the driver and passenger of theย vehicle and injuring two more in a pile-up that snarled trafficย deep into New Jersey. The accident occurred when the mattress ox truck, driven byย Rambaran Hemankumar, 33, with Juan Soto, 20, as a passenger, wasย travelling northbound near Exit 14B. The truck then swerved throughย several lanes of traffic, striking another box truck and a pickupย truck before it jumped the guard rail and was struck by a tractor-trailer traveling southbound.
As first responders closed the thruway between Exits 15 and 14B,ย they worked to rescue injured motorists and investigate theย accident. Soto died at the scene while Hemankumar was freed fromย the vehicle and rushed to Good Samaritan Hospital, where he diedย shortly thereafter. The tractor-trailer driver, 33, and a passengerย in the pickup, 12, were also hospitalized with non-lifeย threatenning injuries. Meanwhile, traffic persisted for hours, backing up ten miles beforeย stranded motorists were allowed to turn around and the southboundย lanes of the thruway were reopened.
Garbage truck overturns in Chestnut Ridge, injures four
A garbage truck tipped over in Chestnut Ridge on Monday, injuringย four workers onboard. The accident occurred when the driver made a 90 degree right turnย onto South Pascack Road from Williams Road, tipping onto its sideย and taking down a utility pole in the process. Those injuredย included Theodore Ochs, 51, of Congers, whose right arm was crushedย between the falling truck and a guard rail, and Orlando Rodriguez,ย 29, of Sleepy Hollow, suffered serious injuries as well. Though investigators are continuing to look into the circumstancesย leading to the accident, they have stated the driver was sober atย the time and it appears the speed and weight of the truckย contributed to the accident.
9/11 โDust Ladyโ dies after battle with cancer
Marcy Borders, the subject of a famous photograph from the 9/11ย terror attacks on the WorldTradeCenter, succumbed to stomachย cancer this week, according to her family. Borders was immortalized in a haunting photo from the day of theย attack which captured her as she was covered head-to-toe in dust andย ash from the collapsed towers. She was a month into her new bank jobย in the north tower when the attack occurred and fled the buildingย before it fell. She had been pulled into a nearby office building by a stranger for refuge when the famous photo was taken. Since then, Borders was haunted by the attack, lapsing into panicย whenever she saw an aircraft. She was addicted to alcohol and crackย cocaine for almost ten years and lost custody of her children beforeย she became sober in April 2011 and regained custody before she wasย diagnosed with cancer in December 2014.
TV reporter and cameraman shot to death on camera
A reporter and cameraman working with a local CBS affiliate stationย in Roanoke, Virginia, were shot and killed by a former stationย employee during a live report Wednesday morning. Reporter Alison Parker, 24, and cameraman Adam Ward, 27, were shotย while reporting live on tourism in the city from BridgewaterPlazaย in FranklinCounty for WDBJ7. According to employees listening fromย the TV station, six to seven shots rang out before Ward’s cameraย fell to the ground. The interviewee, Vicki Gardner, was also shotย and rushed into surgery. Police released video stills of the suspect, a male wearing whatย appears to be a blue coat or shirt and holding a handgun. Later on ย Wednesday, a man named Vester Lee Flanagan, allegedly a disgruntledย former employee of WDBJ7, was reported to be critically injured by aย self-inflicted gunshot wound and is now in police custody.
Defense company wins contract to build Humvee replacement
Oshkosh Defense won a major contract with the Department of Defenseย to mass produce Joint Light Tactical Vehicles, the anticipatedย replacement for the widely-used Humvee. ย The contract, one of the biggest ones struck in years, grantsย Oshkosh the authority to build 50,000 of the vehicles for the Armyย and 5,500 for the Marine Corps. Though the initial contract willย grant $6.7 billion for 17,000 vehicles, the total earnings for theย company could reach as high as $30 billion. The new vehicles are specially designed to balance greater armorย with mobility, including all-terrain capabilities and transfer of heavy cargo loads. The vehicles are also specially designed to beย resistant to IEDs, a frequent challenge for soldiers in relativelyย vulnerable Humvees. Oshkosh emerged as the victor among three major bidders in theย defense industry including Bethesda and AM General, whichย manufactures the Humvee. The company’s work on the vehicles could ย continue as late as 2040 while the Humvee is gradually phased out.
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