To the Editor,
Your front page article last week on “The Breakers” in Stony Point painted a pretty picture of the proposed waterfront development, but did not mention that the scoping hearing held on January 28 attracted more than 100 town residents who were interested in learning more about the proposal, but how many left disappointed and wondering why didn’t the Stony Point Planning Board ask Wayne Corts to make any presentation of his plans at the public hearing?
The NYS DEC defines that the purpose of scoping is to:
1) ensure public participation in the EIS development process [at the early stages];
2) allow open discussion of issues of public concern and
3) permit inclusion of relevant, substantive public issues in the final written scope.
Holding an open and transparent scoping hearing best serves not only the interests of town residents, but also the long-term interests of “The Breakers” as a project that can benefit our Hudson River waterfront and the future economic development of the Town of Stony Point. Those issues identified in the scope will be answered by the applicant in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), which will be addressed in another public hearing. However, the Planning Board’s recent announcement of only a 12-day extension for written public comments to February 22, is not only unreasonable but now limits the ability of interested town residents to submit any meaningful scoping questions and comments.
Those wishing to read SPACE’s scoping comments, please go to To submit your scoping comments, please mail them to Tom Gubitosa, Chairman, Stony Point Planning Board; 74 East Main Street; Stony Point, NY 10980 or e-mail to:
George Potanovic, Jr.
President, SPACE
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