To the Editor,
In this very contentious presidential election year, it is not just important who is at the top of the ticket, but also who has the real commitment to us right here in the Town of Stony Point.
Over the past several years, I have had the great fortune of working with NYS Assemblyman James Skoufis on many projects and I can tell you that James has been visible, available, and has repeatedly demonstrated a commitment to both protecting the quality of life within our Stony Point community and to keeping North Rockland an affordable place to live.
James stood up with us in our fight against the United Water/Suez Hudson River desalination plant boondoggle that we successfully stopped in 2015 and he recently testified before the NYS Public Service Commission on September 29 to strongly oppose the $54 million surcharge that Suez now wants to charge all Rockland ratepayers for its failed desalination plant – and has demanded that the company enact an effective water conservation plan, fix the leaks within its own system and replace the corroded pipes that regularly deliver rusty, brown, unacceptable water quality to the homes of many Stony Point customers.
James supported the 10,000-signature petition drive to bring tax relief and ease the financial hardship that North Rockland taxpayers continue to face since the unfair and unjust Mirant tax settlement. When investigations revealed that the East Ramapo School Board had been violating civil rights, mismanaging funds and putting our children’s education at risk, James sponsored a bill that directed the state education commissioner to appoint three oversight monitors to get the school district back on track.
Stony Point is very fortunate to have an ethical legislator like Assemblyman James Skoufis at time when “pay to play” politics seems so prevalent in Albany. James stands up for the people of Stony Point and, now, it is time for us to stand up for James with our vote of support on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8 – so he can continue to represent Stony Point’s best interests in Albany!
George Potanovic, Jr.
Stony Point, NY
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