STONY POINT, NY – Special Olympics New York says many hardy, brave souls will participate in its second annual Rockland Polar Plunge (Freezin’ For A Reason) on Saturday, November 12, 2016 at Lake Welch Beach, Stony Point.
The plunge takes place at noon with registration beginning at 10 a.m. Money will be raised for the 3,500 Athletes of Special Olympics NY – Hudson Valley Region.
Participants are encouraged to raise a minimum of $100 to take the plunge. They will receive an official polar plunge sweatshirt for their efforts. There are also many other great incentives the more money they raise.
The Polar Plunge helps raise the necessary funds to provide year-round sports training and athletic competitions for children and adults living with intellectual disabilities. Athletes and their caregivers are never charged for participating.
Currently, New York State has the largest Special Olympics program in the country, serving almost 68,000 athletes. Special Olympics’ transforms lives through sports. Each year, Special Olympics Polar Plunges are held throughout the country and attract thousands of chilled souls.
They are part of the Law Enforcement Torch Run events, which is the largest grassroots public awareness and fundraising vehicle for Special Olympics. New York has one of the fastest growing Torch Run programs in the world. Thousands of officers from hundreds of agencies across New York are a part of the Law Enforcement Torch Run.
To participate in this year’s Rockland Polar Plunge, log on to www.polarplungeny.org/Rockland and click on “register here.” From here, participants can easily register as an individual, form a team, invite contacts to join the team, create their Personal Plunge Page, check their donation totals and send emails out to their contacts. It just takes a few clicks and you are ready to get started! As a friendly reminder, you can register the day of as well!
Every Super Bowl Sunday for nearly 20 years a local Polar Plunge is hosted at the Hudson River waterfront in Stony Point to raise money for kids suffering with major illnesses. The two events are not related.
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