Sullivan and Hoehmann march in Congers Parade


The VMA (Veterans Memorial Association) Memorial Day parade was held on Lake Road, Congers this past Saturday, May 27.

Town of Clarkstown Supervisor George Hoehmann, who suspended Clarkstownโ€™s Police Chief Michael Sullivan and now faces him in the fall election, marched directly in front of Sullivan during the Congers VMA Parade.

Sullivan marched with Aimee Weingart Pollak, a Democratic candidate for Clarkstown town justice and Keith Cornell, who is running in a primary against fellow Democrat Alden Wolfe in the race for Surrogate Court justice.

Sheriff Louis Falco marched along with others from the Sheriffโ€™s Dept. Several members of the Congers Valley Cottage Ambulance Corps took part in the parade, as well.

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