Hundreds are expected to participate and thousands to line the streets of theย 15th annual North Rockland Community 5K Run/Walk, which will begin and end at Bowline Park onย Sunday, June 3.ย The popular race also is a fundraiser for local persons faced with serious health problems.
Town of Haverstraw Supervisor Howard T. Phillips, Jr., Town of Stony Point Supervisor Jim Monaghan, and North Rockland School District Athletic Director Joseph Casarella are chairs of the event.ย This yearย the North Rockland Chamber of Commerceย will give special recognition to Judy OโSullivan and Kevin Lynch for their contributions to the community.
Anyone interested in participating can pick up an application at the Haverstraw or Stony Point Town Hall. You can also register online atย www.townofhaverstraw.org. If you wish to volunteer for the dayโs events or be a sponsor, please feel free to call Michael Gamboli at 845-429-2200 or John Casey at 845-821-4349.
The childrenโs race begins atย 8:30 a.m.ย and the 5K Run/Walk will start atย 9 a.m.ย All children 12 and under will receive medals. Registration will also be available the day of the race starting atย 7 a.m.Entry forms can be obtained that morning. The park and race route will be closed to vehicular traffic fromย 8:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
The event will be held rain or shine.
All proceeds raised from the event will be donated to:
Also known as โBellaโ by her family and friends, Isabella is 12 years old and a seventhย grader at Fieldstone Middle School. Bella is a straight โAโ student and very athletic playing in the Haverstraw Little league and St. Peters CYO Basketball programs.
In early January 2018, Bella was rushed to Columbia Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Hospital in congestive heart failure. She was immediately put on the National Heart Replacement list and coded most critical (1A). She has had extensive surgery to stabilize her condition including the placement of an internal pump to augment her weakened heart. Bella is bed-ridden waiting for a heart transplant but continues to have a positive attitude and an inspirational smile.
Peterย had a mild stroke in July 2017 that required surgery in September. Complications during surgery resulted in a medically induced coma, and he then suffered a massive debilitating stroke. Now, Peter is paralyzed on the right side of his body.
He also has aphasia, which affects his speech and limits his ability to communicate his basic needs. His road to recovery is going to be long and hard, but Peter is a fighter! At just 57 years old, right now he needs us more than ever.ย Peter needs countless hours of medical care, nursing assistance, and therapy to get back home with his family, where he belongs.
In need of a kidney for about five years now, Brian goes for dialysis treatments three days a week, for 4-5 hours a session. Brian has lost his job this year due to a Charco foot disease also known as aย diabetic foot fractures and has been in and out of rehabs trying to get the foot to heal. He is currently in a rehab facility.
Whenย people hear the word volunteer, Brianโs name is first to come to their mind. He’s also a member of the Haverstraw Fire Department for over 15 years and has committed his life to find a cure for cancer as chairman for Relay for Life. He does not complain about the amount of time he spends at dialysis or how tired he is after a long day. Brian remains one of the strongest people in our community who always stays positive and continues to charge on with life.
North Rockland Chamber of Commerce pays special recognition to:

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