District 11 Candidate: David Bruen, Democratic/Working Families

Born in Suffern, raised in Nyack, and educated in Clarkstown public schools, David Bruen is a native son of Rockland and now wants to serve the community that raised him.

As a former  Eagle Scout, Bruen has led community service projects that have benefited Clarkstown. As Student Body President at Syracuse University, he represented 18,000 students and focused on environmental sustainability, increasing access to mental health resources and investing in a free menstrual products program.

Bruen has also held positions with the New York State Division of the Budget and in the offices of Congresswoman Nita Lowey and Senator David Carlucci. He has stayed engaged in local politics as the Treasurer of the Rockland and Clarkstown Democratic Committees.

“I want to bring more energy and new ideas to the legislature to make it a proactive and listening governing body,” Bruen said. “This election is about the future of Rockland, and whether we’re going to have leaders who think about the future of Rockland. With new legislators, we can bring new ideas and new energy to the issues we face. Rockland is the only county in the Hudson Valley without a climate action plan — we can change that by pushing for a comprehensive climate action plan for Rockland. Are we going to have more of the same, inactive, rubber stamp legislature — or are we going to get engaged, elect new leaders, and set a new course for Rockland’s future. I choose new leadership.”

Bruen is now the Democratic and Working Families nominee for Rockland County Legislature, District 11.

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