Reader’s Letters

Dear Letters Editor:

Even with the Federal Transit Administration issuing a positive finding in completion of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), the $10 billion dollar package to pay for the new Port Authority Midtown Manhattan Bus Terminal is still short $6.5 billion.  . 

 The approved Port Authority 2017 – 2026 ten year $32 billion Capital Plan provided only $3.5 billion toward construction.

The project has still yet to obtain permission for admission into the Federal Transit Administration Capital Investment Grant (CIG) New Starts Core Capacity Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) national competitive discretionary grant program.  It was not included in the FTA March 2024 report to Congress for funding in 2025.

It is wishful thinking that the Port Authority can count on future federal funding to make up most of the $6.5 billion current shortfall.  Ditto for Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT’s) from developers for the proposed projects high rise office towers.   

You may have to wait until the next Port Authority ten year 2027 – 2036 Capital Plan before a complete $10 billion funding package is in place. 

No one can predict the final cost and completion date for the new bus terminal. 


Larry Penner

(Larry Penner is a transportation advocate, historian and writer who previously served as a former Director for the Federal Transit Administration Region)


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