Senator Weber Co-Sponsors Two Bills to Protect and Improve Access to IVF

New York State Senator Bill Weber (R-38) has cosponsored two bills to protect and improve access to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) for those seeking to start families.ย 

S.8626, sponsored by Senator Martins, protects IVF treatment providers, fertility doctors, and patients from criminal and civil liability and shields providers of goods used to facilitate the IVF process from criminal liability by adding a new section to the Public Health Law to provide that any fertilized human egg or human embryo that exists outside of a womanโ€™s uterus will not, under any circumstances, be considered an unborn child or human being for any purpose.

S.9888, sponsored by Senator Ashby, creates a tax credit for up to three cycles of in vitro fertilization treatment for expenses related to treatment for infertility.

โ€œThese bills are very personal to me,โ€ Senator Weber shared. โ€œWhile our first daughter was born naturally, my wife had two ectopic pregnancies after Rachel, and we suffered the loss of both of those babies. We then used IVF to have Billy, Amy, and Michael. We were lucky to have excellent insurance and to be able to benefit from IVF, which allowed us the opportunity to have the family we craved. So, I know firsthand how imperative it is that we not restrict access to reproductive healthcare treatment for couples who need it to have the families they want. I also know the repercussions of ignoring the importance of this bill and where those consequences might lead when it comes to those seeking IVF. I look forward to seeing its passage through the legislative process and to having the Governorโ€™s signature on it sooner rather than later,โ€ Weber added.


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