Vanderhoef Announces New Taxes, Layoffs

BY DYLAN SKRILOFF Following the failure of the county to gain new revenue through a sales tax and mortgage transfer fee due to state legislators refusing to approve the measure, Rockland County Executive C. Scott Vanderhoef found taxes he could raise without asking the state’s permission. Namely a new 4 percent energy surcharge on your […]

Marina Presentation Made in Stony Point

BY DYLAN SKRILOFF Architects, planners and engineers from Wayne Corts’ marina in Stony Point were on hand at Tuesday’s Stony Point Town Board meeting David Zigler of Atzl, Scatassa & Zigler P.C. and Tim Miller of Tim Miller Associates presented to the board. The current plan is to build approximately 300 condo units over a […]

Preservation League adds Garnerville Arts Center to Seven to Save list of endangered places for 2012-13

Preservation League adds Garnerville Arts Center to  Seven to Save list of endangered places for 2012-13

The Preservation League of New York State has named the Garnerville Arts Center to its list of the Empire Stateโ€™s most threatened historic resources, Seven to Save. In late summer, 2011, arts and industry at Garnerville faced perhaps its greatest challenge to date. The Minisceongo Creek runs through the complex and once powered the mill, […]

What’s in a Name? By the Letter of the Law, A Lot

What’s in a Name? By the Letter of the Law, A Lot

BY DYLAN SKRILOFF In everyday life a simple word usually does not cause a commotion, but in the world of the law, a slight variation in a phrase or name can cause a controversy if it’s used improperly. For two examples, read on. Dennis Lynch Says Stony Point Can’t Use the Word “Commission” One such […]

Local Finance Experts Weigh in on JPMorgan Chase Loss

BY SARA GILBERT Ever since JPMorgan Chaseโ€™s announcement on Thursday, May 10 that it lost several billions of dollars on derivatives, there has been concern about what that might mean for the rest of us: for stockholders, for taxpayers, for the economy and for the government. Local asset managers have found themselves faced with questions […]