No Justice for JonBenet

No Justice for JonBenet

BY DIANE DIMOND All crime reporters have a story from their past they cannot shake, a case that either touched them on a profound personal level or remains mysteriously unsolved. This time of year, I think of a story I covered 20 years ago this week, which remains with me for both reasons: the Christmastime […]



To the Editor, Donald Trump is now officially confirmed as our president-elect. This promises to be the greatest Christmas gift to all, a gift that just keeps on giving. Let me say in advance the biggest thank you goes to all the liberal Democrats out there. The liberals have been most entertaining; protesting, crying about […]

Don’t be Faked Out by ‘Fake News’

Don’t be Faked Out by ‘Fake News’

BY DIANE DIMOND Here comes another one of those things branded as an imminent threat to public safety, a lurking evil that is poised to infiltrate our minds and poison the republic. It is described it in two words: fake news. Some are clamoring to legislate, regulate or eliminate this thing called fake news. It […]

The Cost of Burying Forgotten Souls

BY DIANE DIMOND Sources say the average cost of a North American funeral these days is between $7,000 and $10,000. Imagine, then, what it costs each state to bury inmates who die in prison, those whose bodies are unclaimed by family members. Just like the population in general, the average age of prisoners is increasing. […]

County Executive’s Corner: A return to madness?

County Executive’s Corner: A return to madness?

  By Rockland County Executive Ed Day It’s no secret what earned Rockland a $138 million budget deficit and the shameful distinction of most fiscally stressed municipality in the state of New York. It was dishonest budgeting based on phony revenue and expense projections. Now, nearly three years into my administration with a deficit that […]


To the Editor, I would urge all taxpayers to notify their county legislators to maintain the tax cap. When we break the tax cap the penalty is two fold. First we pay the additional tax increase and secondly we do not quality for the state property tax relief check. We in Rockland have endured year […]