Opinion: DREAM Act subsidies unfair to taxpaying Americans

BY CHRISTOPHER HOFMANN  As a college student and life-long resident of the State of New York, I find it imperative to speak up about a policy that doesn’t help a single citizen in our state. Welcome to the student and taxpayer nightmare known as the “DREAM act.” Presumed dead in June after failing to gain […]

The Lighter Side of the Crime Beat

The Lighter Side of the Crime Beat

BY DIANE DIMOND  When you’re in the business of writing about crime, sometimes you need to take a break, shake your head at the human foibles that bring people to the attention of police or to the courthouse steps. Sometimes you just have to laugh out loud. As they say, you just can’t make up this […]

Paternity Fraud Begs the Question: Who’s Your Daddy?

Paternity Fraud Begs the Question: Who’s Your Daddy?

BY DIANE DIMOND  There is a lot of unfairness in the world. The American justice system stands ready to counter that, right? Not so fast. When it comes to men and allegations of paternity, women have a decidedly upper hand. Whatever the woman claims in court most often becomes fact. And once a court has […]

The County Executive’s Corner: Summit Park Update

BY ROCKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE ED DAY As conveyed during my State of the County message earlier this month, the eventual sale of Summit Park Hospital and Nursing Care Center remains a critical element in the County’s economic turnaround. With lower reimbursement rates and increasing costs, the facility continues to lose money, with its future operating […]

The 9-11 System Needs Help

BY DIANE DIMOND Each day across this country, lives are saved because a dedicated 9-11 operator dispatched emergency personnel to help a panicked person. Every year there are some 240 million urgent calls made to this “one nation, one number” system. The value of the 9-11 organization is beyond question. But how many times have […]

Rockland County Times stands by stance on Sparaco case

Unusual measures were taken by DA’s Office to ensure plea deal  This past August the Rockland County Times penned an editorial claiming the law appeared to be on Legislator Frank Sparaco’s side regarding a housing arrangement between himself and his cousins, assuming Sparaco was not lying about the nature of the housing agreement.  Sparaco had […]