SPACE Seeks Interested Party Status for Proposed Biomass Waste-to-Energy Plant

Public Scoping Hearing on Proposed Biomass Waste-to-Energy Plant in Stony Point, NY – FEB 20 at 7 p.m. To the editor, The Stony Point Planning Board will begin its pubic scoping hearing on WED. FEB 20 at RHO Building on Clubhouse Lane for the proposed  Biomass Waste-to-Energy “Gasification” Plant. The plant would be located at Holt Drive Industrial Park in what is […]

Mandatory Drug Tests — for Kids?

BY DIANE DIMOND There’s a community-wide conversation going on in Kansas City, Mo., that should also be taking place around the country. It has to do with high school kids’ use of drugs and alcohol. The discussion revolves around the question: How can adults adequately convince a teenager that drinking too soon or using narcotics […]

The Origin and Purpose of Black History Month

BY STACY SWIMP This week is the beginning of what is called “Black History Month.” Its precursor, “Negro History Week,” was created by Dr. Carter G. Woodson in 1926 and observed on the second week of February. A staunch Republican, Woodson choose that week in that month to honor the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and […]


PRO: Minimum Wage Increase Makes Good Business Sense BY DARIUS ROSS When Governor Cuomo called for raising New York’s minimum wage, he expressed not only his own view, but also the convictions of 80 percent of New Yorkers who agree that the state’s lowest-paid workers are in urgent need of a raise. As a business […]

Letter to the Editor: IS THIS GUY FOR REAL?

To the editor, Just when you think you have seen it all in local politics, someone raises the bar to new levels of unbelievability. Do politicians really think that the average voter is a dolt? It seems obvious that Dagan Lacorte, the purveyor of his very own Rockland brand of the Nixon-style politics, thinks we […]