Legendary publisher of the Rockland County Times Armand Miele retires his longtime column “Miele’s Musing.” Read the final “Miele’s Musing” BY ARMAND MIELE When I became involved with the Rockland County Times in the 1990s, I was an old man. I was born during the Depression in a poor neighborhood, saw my brothers drafted into […]
Chik-Fil-A non-controversy controversy reveals a nation going downhill fast…but there’s hope! EDITORIAL BY DYLAN SKRILOFF A vicious backlash has ensued against Dan Cathy, the born-again Christian CEO of national fast-food chain Chik-Fil-A, after he reaffirmed his long held position that he opposes laws which redefine marriage. Mr. Cathy gives generously to the movement to […]
BY DREW JOHNSON (Republished with permission) Environmental activists regularly scare Americans about our domestic energy resources — and urge us to abandon development of them. Witness the various efforts to stop hydraulic fracturing, offshore and onshore drilling, and the like. What life would look like in this new green world, though, rarely gets coverage. Considering […]
Dear Editor, Just about everyone has become familiar with the popular TV commercial featuring duplicate cars having the same damages. However, the insurance premium difference makes it worth switching coverage to another company. This is similar to two different sentences recently reported from Rockland County Supreme Court for child sexual abuse. Both accused pleaded guilty. […]
Be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy BY CHRIS HANLY Investment Consultant, Gary Goldberg Financial Services So goes one of my favorite sayings by investment great Warren Buffet. To be sure, as money managers, we (Gary Goldberg Financial Services) have a much more deliberate approach to investing. However, as investor […]
BY ANTHONY MELร I have withheld specific comment until the investigation of the rampage by the alleged perpetrator in Colorado, whose name I refuse to print,* yields more technical facts about this individual case. As more facts are released, I will contribute a trained perspective to help make some sense of it all for us. […]