Where’s the Shame?

RCT Staff Editorial There have been far too few sweating brows and not nearly enough hypertensive outbursts in the halls of New City in the last few years. That’s an odd comment you might think, but the point is, the county has been dying a slow fiscal death for going on at least three years […]

Faith in America Redux

BY DIANE DIMOND Sometimes a columnist writes something that grabs people by the throat. I guess I accomplished that last week when I wrote about a recent article I had read called, “In Nothing We Trust.” It hit me smack between the eyes that I don’t have much faith in any of our public institutions […]

Letters: Rockland County Republicans – A Call to Action

Dear Editor, 2012 is a unique opportunity for ALL Rockland County Registered Republicans who are unhappy, frustrated, disappointed and disgusted by the last 30 years of the lack of leadership and ineffectiveness of the county’s Republican party. All county Republican Committeeman/person seats are up for ‘election’ this year – over 500 openings! Before you say […]


PENSION ABUSE CLAIMS ON THE RISE IN ROCKLAND BY LEGAL LARRY New York State has one of the largest public pension funds in the world. In fiscal year 2011, the State had a total of 970,756 active and retired members of the pension fund. The public pension fund currently totals $132.5 billion. While the public […]

Will the Tea Party Rescue the Republican Party Again?

BY ANTHONY MELE Any political analyst with a keen eye for observation and knowledge of history can plainly recognize it was the Tea Party phenomenon that rescued the Republican Party in the 2010 mid-term elections. The phenomenon described as “Tea Party” swept across America, as a great awakening of political enlightenment, which seeded the Republican […]

Miele’s Musing — 5/10

Mother: the Wonder Woman BY PUBLISHER EMERITUS ARMAND MIELE Ah! Motherโ€™s Day. Donโ€™t we all wish at times in our lives that we could be babies again, even if for a day, even an hour? Donโ€™t we wish we could be held in our mothersโ€™ arms? Your mother is always there in your soul, your […]