How to Pack Light and Heavy Items Properly

It is not an easy thing to pack your bedroom, kitchen and living room supplies to transfer them safely to a new place. Light and heavy objects have oppositely different rules of packing, wrapping, and moving. So, to become an expert in this work you have to get a few basic but very important skills. […]

Europeans Got It Good: Study Shows Mandatory Paid Vacation Leads to More Productive Workers

Europeans Got It Good: Study Shows Mandatory Paid Vacation Leads to More Productive Workers

Europeans are known around the world for taking long vacations, and while to everyone else it may seem frivolous, it turns out that there may actually be a method behind their madness. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, more vacation leads to more productive workers. And it’s no coincidence, asย nine out of […]

Best Festivals & Events Coming October 2017

With all of the Fall Festivals coming in October, youโ€™ll need to prioritize which ones are a must-see. Letโ€™s take a look at some of the highlights… MEGASTACK The USAโ€™s first everย MEGASTACK eventย will take place from October 6-8, 2017 at the Garden State and Resorts Casino Hotel. You may be asking, what is MEGASTACK? Itโ€™s […]

Housing Market Issues: Prices Up, Inventory Down

Housing Market Issues: Prices Up, Inventory Down

Home resales in the U.S. fell more than real estate analysts expected in June, but a lack of properties and strong demand pushed prices even higher. Unfortunately, this national phenomenon is keeping first-time homebuyers out of the market. For the last two years, the housing market has experienced a shortage of homes for sale. Some […]