Melania and Barron Trump Will Reportedly Move Into White House This Summer

Melania and Barron Trump Will Reportedly Move Into White House This Summer

The average American moves approximately 12 times throughout the course of their life. But most never get the chance to move into the nation’s most prestigious address on Pennsylvania Avenue. Finally, after much speculation, the White House recently announced that First Lady Melania Trump and her son, Barron, will move in this summer. Until now, […]

Indian Leather Industry Found to Be Littered With Human Rights Violations

Indian Leather Industry Found to Be Littered With Human Rights Violations

The Indian leather industry is coming under fire for human rights violations, unsafe working practices, and extreme health hazards. A study, completed by human rights organization the India Committee of the Netherlands, (ICN) has found that 2.5 million Indian leather workers work incredibly long hours for little pay in an environment speckled with hazardous fum […]

Glamping Company Offers Fresh Perspective of the Great Outdoors

Glamping Company Offers Fresh Perspective of the Great Outdoors

Camping is a popular American past time and on average, each camper spends 14.9 days camping whether it be in a tent, RV, cabin, bivy, or yurt. But, there is one camping style that offers a high-end camping experience for those who need more convenience in their outdoor experience. It’s called glamping, and it’s perfect […]

Pandas: the World’s Silent Victim of Climate Change

Pandas: the World’s Silent Victim of Climate Change

Global climate change isn’t just affecting humans. The adorable and fuzzy giant panda is also suffering from increased worldwide temperatures in more ways than one. Recently, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) down graded the panda from being endangered to now being vulnerable. Even though this is great news for pandas everywhere, these […]