Longtime GOP Senator Defeats Tea Party-Backed Challenger in Controversial GOP Runoff in Mississippi

JACKSON, Miss. (TheBlaze/AP) — US Sen. Thad Cochran narrowly defeated tea party-backed challenger Chris McDaniel in a heated and controversial GOP runoff in Mississippi on Tuesday night. Returns showed Cochran with a lead of about 3,800 votes, holding 50.5 percent of the vote to McDaniel’s 49.5 percent with 98 percent of precincts reporting. READ MORE: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/06/24/longtime-gop-senator-defeats-tea-party-backed-challenger-in-controversial-gop-runoff-in-mississippi/

Area county execs to form regional council

MID-HUDSON – County executives in six Hudson Valley counties will form a regional council to address common issues. Rockland County Executive Edwin Day said the county officials want to take advantage of their common goals and concerns. READ MORE: http://www.midhudsonnews.com/News/2014/June/23/co_exec_ccl-23Jun14.html

Miss. Sen. Thad Cochran Needs Gulf Coast Comeback

Hundreds of workers arrive at sunrise at the Ingalls shipyard on the Gulf Coast, and there to greet them are a dozen campaign volunteers with fliers and signs that say, “Save our Jobs.” In the middle is a small, white-haired man shaking the hand of anyone willing to take his own. “I’m Thad Cochran,” the […]

US Rep. Rangel Confident He’ll Win NY Primary

With Primary Day just days away, longtime congressman Charles Rangel said Saturday he’s not overconfident he’ll prevail over his closet rival — but insisted that voters would stick with a veteran lawmaker, dismissing criticism that he was too old to continue serving in Washington. “If you had a racehorse that won 43 races, brings in […]

Iraq Crisis Offers Hint of Vindication for Biden

As Iraq edges toward chaos, Joe Biden is having a quiet I-told-you-so moment. In 2006, Biden was a senator from Delaware gearing up for a presidential campaign when he proposed that Iraq be divided into three semi-independent regions for Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds. Follow his plan, he said, and U.S. troops could be out by […]

Assemblyman Skoufis: Comprehensive measures combat heroin epidemic

STATEMENT FROM ASSEMBLYMAN SKOUFIS (D): “Too many lives are being lost to heroin abuse and the Governor and Legislature has been quick to respond, ensuring law enforcement agencies have the resources and tools needed to properly safeguard our communities. The aggressive measures passed today will combat dangerous spikes in heroin use and sales in the […]