Obama to sign order extending LGBT protections

President Barack Obama plans to sign an executive order banning federal contractors from discriminating against employees on the basis of their sexual orientation, a White House official said Monday. The move follows years of pressure from gay rights groups for Obama to act on his own while a broader employment non-discrimination measure languishes on Capitol […]

Bowe Bergdahl returns home — to a long road ahead

(CNN) — Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the last American prisoner of war, returned home early Friday, his hero’s welcome supplanted by a controversial prisoner swap and his reputation tarnished byaccusations he was a deserter. He arrived in San Antonio from a military hospital in Landstuhl, Germany, where he’d been recuperating since his release May 31in exchange for five […]

PRESSER-GATE: Lowey ducks East Ramapo fiscal monitor issue by sending faux press releases, opponent says

PRESSER-GATE: Lowey ducks East Ramapo fiscal monitor issue by sending faux press releases, opponent says

17th District Republican Congressional candidate Chris Day is calling attention to his opponent Nita Lowey’s reaction–or lack thereof–to news Governor Andrew Cuomo will appoint a state fiscal monitor to oversee budgetary practices at the oft-controversial East Ramapo Central School District. Specifically Day says Lowey sent what looked like press releases to individual concerned parents from […]

House votes to make business tax break permanent

The House voted Thursday to make permanent a generous tax break that makes it easier for small businesses to buy new equipment and improve their property, part of an election-year showdown over a series of expired tax breaks worth billions. The tax break allows business owners to more quickly write off the costs of computers, […]