Brooklyn, New York actor and philanthropist Tony Danza was honored this week by the New York State Senate at Italian American Day in Albany. Pictured here is Senator David Carlucci with Danza.

Eric Cantor Loses Primary to Tea Party Challenger In Huge Upset

In an enormous political upset, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor lost his Republican primary in Virginia’s seventh congressional district Tuesday night to Dave Brat, an economics and ethics professor at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia, and political unknown. According to the Associated Press, with 86.1 percent of precincts reporting Brat won with 55.8 percent of […]

Officials fault lax Obama immigration policies for ‘calamity’ in border states

The flood of illegal immigrants — particularly children — crossing into the U.S. along the southern border is at a “crisis” level, creating a humanitarian emergency that both immigration officials and lawmakers are putting at the feet of the Obama administration. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer called the overload a “crisis of the federal government’s creation.” […]

Rep. Mike Rogers Convinced Released Taliban Will Return to Fight Against U.S.

House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Rogers called the U.S. deal with the Taliban for the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl a “serious geopolitical mistake,” and said he is “absolutely convinced” that the five Taliban members transferred from the Guantanamo detention center will return to the battlefield against the United States. “We have made a serious, […]

Lawmakers: Obama releasing Taliban detainees with no notice first step in closing Guantanamo

President Obama releasing five Taliban detainees from the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, without notifying Congress has congressional Republicans arguing the president took the first step in his larger plan to side-step Capitol Hill to close the facility. South Carolina GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham is among those most critical of Obama and is trying to […]

It’s a State Issue! Chris Day opens up on marijuana views

COMMENTARY BY CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE CHRIS DAY (R) We should permit medical marijuana & the Feds must recognize state laws that legalize it entirely With votes in both Albany and Washington on the subject of medical marijuana, and legalization or decriminalization laws passed in several states, this issue deserves our full attention. Federal powers are immense, […]