Something the Government is Awesome At

If Only the Government was as good at managing the country as it was at acronyms. The government’s ability to come up with impossibly clever acronyms is truly second to none. For example, did you know the new economic development initiative Start Up New York (SUNY) is purposely given those initials because it proposes tax-free […]

Simon Leschinsky to Primary for Conservative Party County Executive Candidate Nod

Following news that the Rockland County Conservative Party is running a candidate for county executive instead of endorsing GOPer Ed Day, the leader of the Rockland County Conservative Party opposition faction, Sam Naemit, announced he is supporting another man, Simon Leschinsky, for the position. Simon Leschinsky, a member of the Conservative Party, businessman and former […]

Skoufis Hours a Dud

Skoufis Hours a Dud

Either Stony Pointers are satisfied with their representation in state government so thoroughly that they have no questions or concerns for their elected officials or they simply have not been made aware enough of Assemblyman James Skoufis’ monthly constituent hours meetings. On Tuesday a big zero showed up to meet with Skoufis’ office ambassador Dustin […]

Will the Affordable Care Act Live Up to Its Name?

BY JANET TRAUTWEIN Insurance plans won’t go on sale in the new insurance exchanges established by the federal healthcare reform law for several more months. But some major health insurers are already forecasting substantially higher premiums. Some individuals could see their premiums more than double, according to a private briefing conducted earlier this year by […]

Protest in Spring Valley over new Israeli draft laws

Protest in Spring Valley over new Israeli draft laws

BY MICHAEL RICONDA Spring Valley – Ultra-Orthodox students attending the United Talmudical Academy in Spring Valley gathered on July 10 in a large demonstration to protest recent changes to Israeli law removing armed service exemptions for yeshiva students. Elementary and middle school-aged students assembled in lines, holding signs and banners denouncing the state of Israel […]