Zugibe arrests 37 drug dealers, says eight are active members of North Rockland criminal street gangs From the Rockland DA’s Office TO SEE PHOTOS OF ALL 37 CHARGED WITH DRUG CRIMES, PURCHASE A COPY OF THE ROCKLAND COUNTY TIMES (https://rocklandtimes.com/find_us/) The Rockland County DA’s Office continues its crackdown on drug dealers, announcing this week […]
During the month of June, the Clarkstown Police SMART Sales Unit, in conjunction with Officers of the Rockland County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (SPCC) and utilizing underage undercover agents conducted alcohol compliance checks of local businesses in the Town of Clarkstown. Out of a total of 30 businesses compliance checks for […]
Rodney King Found Dead Rodney King, the victim of police brutality in 1991, which led to the Los Angeles riots, was found dead on Sunday, June 17. He was 47. His fiancé found him at the bottom of the pool at their home in Rialito, Cal. She told friends that King was drinking and smoking […]
Defendants Jesse Harris, male, 37, of 8 Brainerd Dr., Stony Point and Michael Ramos, male, 29, also of 8 Brainerd Dr., Stony Point, are charged with Grand Larceny 4th for allegedly stealing a golf cart from Patriot Hills Golf Course and then…parking it in their own driveway. As if they wouldn’t get caught? On June […]
Village won’t suspend inspector John Layne BY DYLAN SKRILOFF According to Mayor David Goldsmith of Wesley Hills, the principle “innocent until proven guilty” outweighs concerns over the ethical practices of Building Inspector John Layne brought to the fore by Rockland County District Attorney Thomas Zugibe. Layne retains his position as building inspector in the village […]
Woopsie daisy! Good thing Vinny Reda was fast on his toes at Tuesday night’s County GOP Convention held in Clarkstown, because Ramapo GOP chairman Michael Dolan forgot to remove GOP Committeeman and former Airmont Mayor John Layne- recently hit with felony corruption charges- from the town’s delegate roll. As each town was reading their roll […]