Calhoun Delivers a Parting Shot in Defense of Gun Owners and Business

Assemblywoman Nancy Calhoun (R,C,I-Blooming Grove) voted Tuesday against passage of Assembly Bill 1157-B, which would mandate the practice commonly known as โ€œmicrostampingโ€ on handgun manufacturers in the state. This legislation would force this costly technology on gun manufacturers and make New York the only state to mandate the technology. โ€œMicrostamping is a technology in which [โ€ฆ]

Rabbitt to Announce Re-election Bid

Assemblywoman Annie Rabbitt will announce Wednesday that she plans to run for re-election for the New York State Assembly in the newly drawn 98th Assembly District. Rabbitt has served in the Assembly since 2005, representing the current 97th District. Due to redistricting, she will now be covering new territory in Orange and Rockland counties. Rabbitt [โ€ฆ]