America Should End Reliance on Mining in China

America Should End Reliance on Mining in China

By Michael Stumo As the recent presidential debates have shown, many in Washington are eager to move forward on a renewable energy future. Policymakers are already considering wider production of electric vehicles, wind turbines, and solar panels. But thereโ€™s a problem. The United States currently produces only a fraction of the different metals needed to […]

China Targeting U.S. Medical Researchย 

China Targeting U.S. Medical Researchย 

By Jeff Ferry Americans have become increasingly familiar with Chinaโ€™s aggressive theft of U.S. intellectual property. And whether itโ€™sย Huaweiย stealing trade secrets from T-Mobile, or a Chinese aviation companyย stealingย the designs of 13 different aerospace companies, a clear pattern has emerged. Beijing is engaged in a massive, persistent attempt to obtain hard-won American technologies through any means […]

U.S. Must Prioritize Mining to Win Clean Energy Race

U.S. Must Prioritize Mining to Win Clean Energy Race

By Michael Stumo Right now, the United States and China are competing to capture the production of advanced energy technologies like solar panels, electric cars, and lithium-ion batteries. And unfortunately, China is winning. The hard truth is that China has already captured much of the renewable energy market. And thatโ€™s unfortunate, since it means more […]

U.S. Dependence on China for Medicine a Major Problem

U.S. Dependence on China for Medicine a Major Problem

By Rosemary Gibson ย  As tensions between the U.S. and China escalate, Washington is waking up to the threat posed by Beijingโ€™s longstanding espionage and cyber hacking. But thereโ€™s another looming problemโ€”and one thatโ€™s been overlooked for too long: Americaโ€™s growing dependence on China for prescription drugs. Right now, millions of Americans are taking medicines […]

President Trump Right to Impose Tariffs on Flood of Steel Imports

President Trump Right to Impose Tariffs on Flood of Steel Imports

BY MICHAEL STUMO Washington is certainly a contentious place these days. And President Trump has undoubtedly been a lighting rod for partisan squabbling. But despite the rough ride in the nationโ€™s capital, the American people may find reasons to agree with at least one effort undertaken by the Trump Administrationโ€”since it could help to grow […]