To the Editor: Now that the CSEA county contract has been ratified by the Rockland County Legislature, I have to commend all parties involved who worked together to formalize the agreement. Our members are making some serious sacrifices in order to help the county through these tough times, which shows their dedication to the citizens […]

Lowdown of County Legislature Meeting 9/12

MICHAEL RICONDA The Rockland County Legislature met last Wednesday for their regular meeting to discuss the financial situation of the troubled Summit Park Hospital, and several agenda items. The Legislature voted to receive and file a management letter concerning the hospital’s financial situation, written by audit firm KPMG and presented by Edward Lee, a partner […]

Jeremy Sins

Jeremy Sins

Machiavellian negotiating tactic by Lin leads to his departure from the Big Apple BY DYLAN SKRILOFF When you wear your faith on your sleeve, it’s expected your deeds match your words. Throughout Jeremy Lin’s surprise 2011-12 NBA campaign, which brought him fame and ultimately fortune, Lin consistently and publicly referred to the Holy Bible and […]