The Rockland Business Association hosted the Annual Green Council Awards at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on November 18. A decade ago, architect Michael Shilale, who was an advocate for better building materials and design, started the chapter of the RBA. This year, the winners were: Tilcon, for Energy Efficiency, sponsored by Integral Building Design; SUEZ, […]
After a Pearl River hedge-fund operator was snagged for a Ponzi scheme years ago, Hector May, owner of a New City investment firm, warned investors to be even more careful when choosing someone to manage their finances. When James Nicholson was arrested in 2009, May warned, “but before you invest a million dollars, you do your […]
The Rockland Business Association [RBA] Pinnacle Awards were handed out on May 4, honoring some of Rockland’s most impressive companies, business leaders and good corporate citizens. 1 – Dr. Mary Leahy, Good Samaritan Hospital was given the award for Outstanding Achievement by a Woman in Business. The award was presented to her by RBA Chair, […]
Awards for “clean and green,” with politics thrown in for good measure BY KATHY KAHN The brouhaha brewing over United Water’s desalination plant was left at the door at the Rockland Business Association’s 4th Annual Green Council Awards luncheon. RBA Green Council chair Michael Shilale and Rosemarie Monaco of Group M, presented awards to Orange […]
BY CHERYL SLAVIN A baseball organization, an architect, a technical school, a veteran’s housing program, a hotel, a pharmaceutical start-up. What do all these have in common? They are just a small sample of the enormous diversity to be found in Rockland’s business community and just a few of the hundreds of members of the […]
The Rockland Business Association held its annual Pinnacle Award Gala April 17, 2013 at the Marriott Hotel, Park Ridge, NJ. Chris Bailey of Vista Electrical Contractors, Inc. was awarded with the Women’s Forum Award for Outstanding Achievement by a Woman in Business, sponsored by Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center. Bailey is not only a successful […]